Card Care and Security
Here are some security and care tips for your Cards:
- Always sign your Card immediately on receipt.
- Never keep your PIN number with your Card.
- Treat your Card as if it were cash.
- Keep your Card away from strong magnetic fields.
- Try not to keep your Card in wallets that may cause them to become bent or deformed as they may not work in cash dispensing machines.
- Keep your Card away from extreme heat
- Avoid giving your account number over the telephone unless you know and trust the individual with whom you are speaking.
- Immediately report your lost or stolen Card to the First Citizens Card Services Department
at (246) 431 4577.
- The use of First Citizens Credit Cards for Online Gambling transactions is strictly prohibited. As such, these transactions would be declined.
- The use of First Citizens Credit Cards to conduct face to face or non face to face transactions at the countries listed below is strictly prohibited. As such, these transactions would be declined.
1. Albania
2. Burundi
3. Democratic Republic of the Congo
4. Iraq
5. Libya
6. Nicaragua
7. Serbia
8. Sudan and Darfur
9. Venezuela
10. Belarus
11. Central African Republic
12. Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
13. Kosovo
14. Mali
15. North Korea
16. Somalia
17. Syria
18. Yemen
19. Bosnia and Herzegovina
20. Cuba
21. Iran
22. Lebanon
23. Montenegro
24. Russia
25. South Sudan
26. Ukraine
27. Zimbabwe