First Citizens Congratulates Top UWI COTE Youth Debate Teams
Press Release

The University of the West Indies (UWI) recently held a Prize Giving Presentation Ceremony to recognize the top debate teams from the 2020 Conference of the Economy: Virtual Youth Debate Competitions. As a Main Sponsor of last year’s conference, First Citizens was delighted to support the prize giving, which took place at the University’s Faculty of Social Sciences Lounge, UWI – St. Augustine.
The 14th Annual Conference of the Economy (COTE) 2020, not only included the Virtual Youth Debate Competition but also a 3-day Conference. Arranged by the Department of Economics, COTE facilitates the presentation of quality research from academic staff, students and other collaborators to stakeholders on economic and social policy issues. The 2020 iteration’s theme was “Crisis is Opportunity” COVID 19 the way Forward, which examined the COVID-19 pandemic in light of the vulnerabilities identified for the Caribbean economies along with the possible opportunities presented to develop a more inclusive, resilient and sustainable Regional economies.
Following the another successful conclusion of the Conference, the University strove to ensure that top performers the Virtual Youth Debate Competitions were recognized for their outstanding performance. The top performers of the Youth Debate were awarded the following First Citizens Cash Prizes:
- Secondary School Winner: NorthGate College awarded a $4,500.00 First Citizens Cash Prize and a Challenge Trophy
- Secondary School Runner-Up: Presentation College, Chaguanas awarded a $3,000.00 First Citizens Cash Prize
- Tertiary School Winner: UWI ROYTEC College awarded a $4,500.00 First Citizens Cash Prize and a Challenge Trophy
- Tertiary School Runner-Up: University of the Southern Caribbean awarded a $3,000.00 First Citizens Cash Prize
Congratulations to all participants on their achievements!

Mr. Christopher Williams – Teacher and Debate Coach, NorthGate College (L) receives the Winners’ Prize for the Secondary School Category Youth Debate Competition on behalf of the school from Mr. Joel Jordan – Co-Chair COTE Youth Committee, UWI St. Augustine (R)