First Citizens Teams up with Drama Making A Difference for Yes SiS!
Corporate Social Responsibility

A Female Empowerment Programme
“Among your newfound sisters, it’s a safe space to be open, have fun, develop new positive behaviours and hopefully, build bonds that will last beyond this programme.” These were the words of Chair of the First Citizens Advancement of Women Committee, Dr. Jennifer Jones-Morales, as she delivered greetings at the launch of the Yes Sis! Programme at the Arima Community Centre on May 20th.
Yes Sis! will directly engage young women and girls between the ages of 18-25 within the communities of Arima and Tunapuna, to build the knowledge and skills necessary for the prevention and elimination of gender-based violence.
Developed by the NGO Drama Making A Difference (DMAD), the programme emerged from the findings of the Central Registry’s 2019 domestic violence findings, which revealed that the areas of Tunapuna-Piarco and Arima recorded the highest numbers of domestic violence reports.
Kwasi Cudjoe, consultant and project coordinator said “the group has been utilizing the performing arts as a teaching and advocacy tool since its inception in 2017 and as part of the First Citizens Community Programme they were eager to continue creating meaningful impact directly where it was needed, with Yes Sis!”
The First Citizens Foundation, through its Advancement of Women Committee is proud to collaborate with Drama Making A Difference (DMAD) to bring education, awareness, engagement and sustainable change to the communities of East Trinidad.