Putting Pan First
Press Release

On the 24th July, the United Nations General Assembly (UN) declared August 11th as World Steelpan Day. This historic adoption by the General Assembly highlights the impact of Trinidad and Tobago’s national instrument, the only acoustic musical instrument to be invented in the 20th Century.
Committed to the sustainability of local culture and the arts, First Citizens is well aligned to the UN’s Strategic Development Goals through its proud sponsorship of steelbands such as the First Citizens Supernovas Steel Orchestra, First Citizens Tobago Pan-Thers and the North Coast Pan Serenaders. The Group has also supported the efforts of the Musical Instruments of Trinidad and Tobago Company Ltd. enabling them to mass produce the Steelpan for international consumption.
First Citizens is delighted to celebrate the steelpan and its significant global impact with the rest of the world on this day and every August 11th thereafter.