Savings & Chequing
First Citizens provides easy, 24/7 access to your money. Experience the advantages of banking just the way you want to.

Savings Account
The First Citizens suite of Savings solutions allows you to establish short-term goals and objectives, that is, objectives within a year to three-year period. These goals may include building an emergency fund, buying a car, buying a home, planning a vacation or saving for tertiary education.
You can also manage your recurring expenses by setting up standing orders to pay bills (for example insurance, cable TV, loans).
Chequing Accounts
Our Chequing Accounts feature the use of personalized cheques for easy access to your savings to pay off debts. The chequing account solution provides the convenience of easy access to your funds and is a short-term savings solution.

Deposit Insurance provides protection to the depositors of commercial banks and other deposit taking institutions. If any of these institutions fail, depositors will be covered.
Insured by the DIC Corporation of Trinidad and Tobago. (Up to $200,000)