TT Exchange Rates
Item | Buying Cash | Buying | Selling |
USD | 6.1500 | 6.6254 | 6.7993 |
CAD | 4.3942 | 4.6255 | 5.0187 |
GBP | 7.7371 | 8.1443 | 8.8442 |
YEN | ****** | 0.0423 | 0.0455 |
SFR | ****** | ****** | 7.6230 |
EUR | 6.5576 | 6.9027 | 7.4894 |
ECD | 2.2339 | 2.4281 | 2.6248 |
BBD | 2.7166 | ****** | 3.5196 |
JAM | ****** | ****** | 0.0553 |
GYD | ****** | ****** | 0.0356 |
These rates are indicative only and are subject to change without notice. Rates update Mon-Fri at 9:00 a.m. (Except for Public Holidays)